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1 / When should I take my protocol?

Typically people take their dose before breakfast with their morning coffee or tea. If you have high sensitivity we recommend taking with a light breakfast

2 / How do I make the most of my protocol?

The most important part of any protocol is setting your intention. We recommend writing down specific goals and intentions for each protocol cycle. These intentions should be set and re visited daily. We call it reverse journaling! Write your daily intentions and goals in the morning. Check in with them throughout the day if you can. Two additional pieces of advice for maintaining a healthy protocol are 1) Staying Hydrated! And 2) Doing some sort of movement or activity - like yoga, walking or breath work. Keeping your physical body strong while we work on your higher self is incredibly important! 

3 / Will I be able to work/drive/function normally?

Yes! absolutely. the doses are meant to be sub-perceptual. If you are highly sensitive we recommend taking your first doses on a weekend with no obligations in order to calibrate your body and mind. This will help you feel more comfortable moving forward with your protocol.  

4 / Can I become addicted?

These natural medicines have no risk of dependency. Because of this you can stop a protocol at any time, without the risks of any negative  physical reactions. 

5 / Will I Hallucinate on NP protocol caps?

Our Microdose products are designed to be sub-perceptual. They are not formulated for the user to experience any type of visual or hallucinatory effects when taken as recommended.  

6 / Why do I sometimes feel sleepy?

This medicine is very intuitive and connected to our deepest selves. in that way - sometimes it will tell us what we need, instead of giving us what we want. If your dose is making you sleepy it's likely you need rest and your body needs time to regenerate. This does not last forever! Give yourself a couple of weeks and allow yourself to rest when you can. Your body and mind are making new connections so be patient with yourself. 

7 / Can I take this with other drugs/medicines?

You should always consult your doctor before adding a protocol to another pre existing medical regimen. With that in mind, our caps should not negatively interfere with any other medications. If you are taking SSRI or SNRI medications the effects of our doses may be lessened.

8 / What Makes NP protocol different from others?

NP protocol always contains 100% fruiting bodies & never sourced material. We make sure to use gentle yet potent strains known for feelings of euphoria & increased creativity. Our Protocol already includes Freeze Dried Lions Mane (stacked so you can see!) to increase brain elasticity & neurological regeneration. The focus of NP protocol is to be a catalyst for your mind and body to begin creating lasting positive nootropic effects. Our internal protocol schedule slowly tapers down the weekly regimen, while incorporating other practices to create new patterns of thinking & being. After following the protocol and doing intentional work over 12 weeks  you are able to decide weather to continue on a regular schedule, restart another 12 week regimen, or take a break & enjoy your results!


We recommend using the NP protocol Journal to enhance your journey!

2 / How do I?
3 / will Ifuncton
4/ Addicted?
5 /Hallucinate?
6 / Sleepy?
7 / other drugs?
1 / When?
8 What's Diff?
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